Whither Retail on Smith Street in BoCoCa ?

Smith Hanten

A lot of people in Brooklyn truly believe that greedy landlords are the single largest reason why Smith Street; Court Street and Atlantic Avenue are experiencing a lot of commercial vacancies this year … this is a very simple view for a complicated issue  … here is an article written 3,400 miles East of NYC describing how “brick and mortar” businesses are going the way of the dodo.

What is our stock answer when we are asked why a beloved store went out of business for non-retirement reasons ? …. they ran OUT of CUSTOMERS … certain businesses pay a king’s ransom in rent IF they have enough paying customers to remain sustainable …. buying & eating habits all over the world have changed as a result of the internet … commerce will never be the same again because eCommerce is here to stay … hence the title of this blog … the word “whither” means … where is it all going ?

Smith Hanten’s opinion is that stores who sell products (as opposed to services) will have to become an ECBM … a whoa ??? …. a hybrid between an eCommerce and Bricks+Mortar business  … an ECBM or as my cousin in Ireland calls it “clicks n’ bricks” enterprise can be busy 24/7 because fixed overheads like rent, insurance, real estate taxes are 24/7.