Order pizza for the movers !!

Smith Hanten

Smith Hanten is moving after 33 years in the same location. Our store
lease expired in May, 2013 and we have been month to month tenants since
that time. The only constant we know in life is change and in some ways we
are a victim of our own hard work and success.

As you look around Smith Street now almost every building has a
commercial store whereas in the early 1980’s when Ed Gerrity started this
agency there were a lot of apartments on the ground floor because nobody
wanted to open a business. Subsequently, Ed found out that his ancestor James
Gerrity (his Great Grand Uncle) worked as a Book Binder in 165 Smith Street
during the 1890’s – ‘tis a small world indeed.
By the time I joined in 2002, Smith Street was in full swing and when I
purchased this agency in 2008 a number of corporate tenants had moved onto
this street. It is highly likely that the next tenant in this store will be a corporate
giant quoted on the stock exchange instead of a “mom and pop”.

We love and live in Brownstone Brooklyn and we believe the future is very
bright so we never seriously considered closing our doors for a minute – our
continuing mission is to provide housing solutions for landlords and renters
and create wealth for buyers and sellers while earning a percentage
commission (we are not communists, after all) – please keep in touch and visit
us in our new location:
152 Smith Street between Wyckoff Street and Bergen Street or please visit our
website www.smithhanten.com or follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/smithhanten
Thank you for your patronage and friendship over the years. It has been a true pleasure to make your acquaintance in 165 Smith Street and we hope to see
you in our new location listed above.
Peter McGuire
Licensed Real Estate Broker
